Consider our guests and their steps in building a podcast relying on a PLN. Can your PLN be used to help professional development post-course? If yes, how? If no, what limitations exist?
I definitely think that my PLN can be used post-course to help my professional development. With what we have learned in this course for building a successful PLN with intent to broaden oneās professional PLN, these skills will be helpful in my future for sure. Considering our guest Mo Amir, creator of the local podcast This Is Vancolour. Mo has used his PLN to his advantage and gotten many influential guests to speak on his podcast, like Jagmeet Singh, Leader of the NDP. He emphasized his use of Twitter and the uniqueness of it, how it allows for direct communication with new people every day. Mo commented that ānetworks are really important, and I think your reputation as well in terms of how you work with othersā, highlighting the benefit of networking and using oneās PLN to help professional development.
Can your PLN be relied on to open professional opportunities?
I do believe that your PLN can be relied on to open professional opportunities, but it doesnāt come without work. Expecting opportunities to jump out to you is unrealistic, professional success wonāt come without effort. Making new contacts, reaching out to people in your field, sharing new thoughts and ideas, and being active in the online and actual community around you are key steps to take in order to advance oneās professional PLN. Our guest Mo Amir talks about credibility, reliability, and consistency in oneās PLN are important factors as well.
Media literacy is a framework that allows for access to crafting, delivering, and the impacts of media (Trilling & Fadel, 2012). Literacy is defined as the competence and understanding of a particular topic, in this case mastery of media. In this weekās video with Julie Smith, she commented on that there is so much out there now a days, that we need to put in extra work to be able to figure out what really is factual and valid.
Why is it important?
Media literacy is important because it allows people to sift through information in order to decide what is valid and what is not. It also allows people to understand the use of media and which method are the best, and how to find factual information. It is something that should be more talked about as it is such a helpful tool that everyone should be aware of.
Why is it dismissed?
Media literacy is often dismissed and the untruthful side of media is easily overshadowed. Most people only want to show the most ideal information on the media, as well as what benefits them. A large amount of sources in the media also only have one motive and that is to make profit from their content, which does not always allow for factual information, therefore media literacy gets dismissed.
Why should you aim for varied views but the factual consensus in your PLN?
Having a factual consensus in your PLN is very important. Having varied views and reaching a diverse audience is crucial and ensuring that there is a factual consensus in your PLN will highly benefit a diverse audience. In this weekās video, Julie Smith comments on how in todayās media it is very business based and that results in the media primarily will only give viewers what they want to see, instead of multiple viewpoints.
Fadel, C., & Trilling, B. (2012). 21st Century Skills: Learning for Life in Our Times.
Explore the video provided and reflect on the themes of a PLN in a professional capacity
After listening to the conversation between brad Barker and Jesse, my perspective on PLN in a professional capacity broadened. Brad Barker is active in his community and involves himself in various positive engagements, like supporting indigenous communities, and his involvement in anti-racist committees. I also really enjoyed Jesseās comment on cancel culture and how it has gone too far. How we are fast to call out and cancel people instead of allowing them to recognize what they did wrong, reflect, and apologize and be able to move on. Mistakes are not intentional so we should be able to reflect and learn how to be better in the future to avoid these mistakes again, instead of being cancelled.
Which social media platforms are beneficial in education?
I think the top social media platforms beneficial for education are Twitter, TikTok, and Facebook. I think because those platforms reach a very large audience and countless amounts of voices have access to them to share, teach, and learn. Other social media platforms may also be beneficial in education but without reaching as many people, and being as accessible to others they may not be as advantageous.
Consider the equality that exists when all have the same platform to engage community dialogues.
I think it was be a huge success if everyone had access to the same platform to engage community dialogues. It would allow endless contribution from so many different positions, granting access to a wider variety of views. Community engagement from all perspectives would allow for an inclusive and diverse environment.
What are the benefits of a diverse and inclusive PLN in social media sharing that understands where you are coming from with messaging that impacts the community?
I think being a part of an understanding, diverse and inclusive PLN in social media creates a safe space for people to openly share opinions and concerns. A no judgement zone where everyone is welcome to be their unique selves and not feel ashamed about it. I am a part of a group on Facebook for my community where people post questions, comments, ask for advice, meet friends, and share opinions. It is a no-bullying group and the admins of the group do monitor it to insure it stays a safe place. I think this group positively impacts members in it of the community and enables them to freely share and ask questions which is something that should be more common in communities today.
Consider the audiences and how we adapt our messaging accordingly.
We adapt our messages we post according to the intention of the audience and the message itself. If it is a message intended for professional use to engage with your work community or profession, one would pick their responses appropriately in a professional manner. If the message is intended for educational purposes, perhaps posting in a Facebook page with all of your grad class in it asking a question about a certain course u may choose to take, your wording would be slightly more relaxed than in a professional setting.
Research our guest and see how they leveraged their network into a campaign. Reflect in your blog of this effort.
After Researching Markiel Simpson, I learned a little about his history and his story of what made him decide to create his campaign. A hard-working athlete all his life, political science degree holder, turned Canadian Black community activist striving to break down systematic racism. It all started with a conversation Markiel had with his younger sister about a racist incident that happened in school. It sparked his curiosity of wondering why Canadian Black history isnāt in the K-12 curriculum. He started networking with Black academics and activists in the community in order to create a change. Markiel also became the co-director of diversity for the NDP. Through research and networking, Mr. Simpson was able to spark conversation and start a change in Canadian curriculum to better educate todayās youth.Ā
About. Markiel Simpson. (n.d.). Retrieved November 2, 2021, from
Hager, M. (2020, November 12). Stepping up: How a young B.C. Man pushed the province to recognize its long and vibrant black history. The Globe and Mail. Retrieved November 2, 2021, from
Markiel Simpson. Columbia Institute. (2021, March 27). Retrieved November 2, 2021, from
I would guess that a large portion of notable individuals using social media would have some help with the content they post, whether by a publicist of some sort or a manager. People of high profile possess such a large online following that they need to be careful with some of the things they do post. With such a large platform, they have the power to spread awareness on any topic of importance they want. The way prominent figures use social media does vary greatly. From Kim Kardashian promoting her clothing line, to Prince Harry and Meghan publicly being advocates for womenās rights.
What are the benefits of being in the public eye and having a PLN?
Being in the public eye and having a PLN can have huge or detrimental benefits. Being in the public eye creates an enormous platform for learning, sharing, and developing knowledge. If you engage in promoting information that people donāt agree with while being in the public eye, there can be repercussions. If done right, one can create a space for constructive learning.
Building community with online tools provided by an employer can be limiting, what are the perceived restrictions and benefits?
Using online tools to build communities given by an employer can be slightly limiting, with some benefits as well. One benefit may be that your employer provides you with access to online tools you may not have used before. This would broaden your experience with online tools. That may lead you to forming connections you would have otherwise not made. Some restrictions, though, would be limited freedom to use the tools how you want to. Employers may require detailed criteria on what you post.
Delivering information in a connected society requires verifiable resources, how to build a PLN to rely on?
It is extremely important when delivery information online to ensure that that information is reliable and correct. To start, ensuring that all information is gathered from reputable sources is an important step. When building a PLN to rely on, ensuring you have trusted followers and are also following trust worthy individuals as well.
How do those who are veteran storytellers, minimize risk in sharing misinformation?
When telling a story, it is very important to make sure that all the material is correct, to not spread misinformation. Completing thorough research and fact-checking oneself is necessary to ensure all information is legit. Sorting through information to eliminate extraneous material is also an essential step in the process.
How would you create a PLN prior to engaging in a social media campaign on a topic of your choice?
I chose exploring and travelling as a topic I enjoy partaking in and wish to do of in the future. Not much travelling has taken place in the last few years due to Covid-19, so I mainly stick to exploring my area to find cool spots. I would take to various different types of platforms like Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, etc. I like to utilize hashtags and locations when deciding what places to explore. It is helpful to read what other peopleās opinions areĀ Ā and the pictures they have taken. The pictures included are taken at a secret ālocalā cave on Galiano Island I learned about through a travel blog I found online.Ā
Choose a topic, consider your audience, and consider how you would create a social media campaign leveraging your PLN.
My topic of choice would be exploring. My target audience would be anyone adventurous or wanting to get out of their comfort zone. I would attempt to reach multiple different groups of kinds of people, considering everyone can participate in exploring. Finding relevant pages and reaching out and maybe even collaborating would be a good way to leverage my PLN. Providing frequent content on the topic would be beneficial, and the use of hashtags would assist in more viewersā attention to my PLN.Ā Ā
My current PLN is pretty diverse. It has allowed me to have a better understanding of issues that are happening all over the world, by connecting through social media. A diverse PLN allows me to see and learn about more than just what is happening in my city or country, but across the world. For example, an issue in todayās society that for years has gotten swept under a rug, is the Every Child Matters movement. With the recent findings, it has outraged people, causing more and more attention to the issue. With the help of social media bringing so much light to the issue, it has created so much more awareness. And although nothing can make up for the trauma that Residential Schools has caused, it has sparked more conversation and has given everyone the chance to reflect on Canadaās past.
In your PLN, are you learning from a variety of voices or are you the loudest in the room?
My opinions and values are somewhat reflected by my PLN. I have strong opinions about certain subjects I am passionate about, but I typically tend not to openly share them very often, at least through my PLN. I am definitely not the loudest voice in the room. I prefer to learn about other peopleās perspectives and beliefs, and take into account those opinions compared to my opinions. I think itās important to listen to all different perspectives, which is helpful to gain new insights.
Do you participate in a silo of information sharing (similar themes or wide-range of interests?)
I use my PLN in various different ways, discussing and sharing information with people of common interests. Through the heat of Covid-19 last year when everything was online, it shifted the way we do share information and opinions. The entire education community was forced to find new ways to discuss and share ideas. In particular I joined class groups online, with people of similar interest, to help one another learn and broaden perspectives.
How can you use a diverse PLN to broaden your views of inclusion?
One way I am currently broadening my views on inclusion is through this class. Before I never really had learned much about it. After reading a brief part of Shelley Moore and Leyton Schnellertās book, One Without the Other: Stories of Unity Through Diversity and Inclusion (2016), it gave me a greater understanding of what inclusion really is. The diagrams of inclusion she included, attached below, which a student of hers ended up challenging for not actually being inclusion, gave me a better perspective of what real inclusion means. It challenged traditional education that focused on students weaknesses first, rather than focusing on what strength each student brings.
What is the learning outcome of your PLN and how are you ensuring your exposure to diversity and inclusion
This week I have learned the importance of inclusion and diversity in the learning environment. A goal for my PLN is to do my best effort at making sure true inclusion is welcome, and diversity is encouraged. In order to have a successful learning community, diversity is necessary. Not only including everyone, but treating everyone as equals. By focusing on what each individual brings as a strength, as opposed to focusing on everyoneās faults, everyone will be free to share their perspectives in a non-judgement environment.
How has your thinking about inclusion and PLN evolved after reviewing the videos and readings?
After reviewing the readings and the video, my understanding of inclusion and diversity in the learning environment has greatly increased. Before, I though inclusion was the act of ensuring all parties feel equally involved, kind of like the first image of inclusion Shelley described in her book, attached below (Moore & Schellert, 2016). Though, through better understanding of the idea, inclusion is not a bunch of wavy dots with a few stripped dots thrown in there. Inclusion is acknowledging that each and every student has something unique they contribute. The key is to value the diversity, not abolish it.
Shelley’s original inclusion diagramShelley’s revised, accurate inclusion diagram
Moore, S., & Schnellert, L. (2016). One without the other: Stories of unity through diversity and inclusion. Portage & Main Press.
What digital platforms are students currently using to develop their professional network?
There are many different digital platforms that students may use to develop their professional network. The previous popular platforms would include email, LinkedIn, or Google Drive. In recent years, platforms originally used for personal use have now also been increasingly used or professional use as well. Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and recently TikTok, have become more commonly used for professional advantages as well. For example, many student groups or programs now make Instagram and TikTok pages to spread awareness of their topic, reaching the student audience that exists today.
What could the student consider in expanding their professional learning network?
Students should consider trying new digital platforms and keeping up to date with which ones are popular. Also considering which networks are most commonly used in their particular profession as well would be beneficial. Another issue students need to consider while expanding their professional learning network is security and safety. While expanding may be beneficial, doing research first on which platforms are safe and secure to post on would help decrease the risk of security leakage.
My name is Julia and welcome to my website for EDCI 338! Iām a fourth year psychology student, minoring in business, at UVic. I am from Delta BC, and I moved to Victoria four years ago to attend school. I enjoy being outdoors, watching the sunset, spending time with friends and family, and am also a huge dog lover. I love everything Victoria has to offer, all the beaches and hikes nearby.
The formation of social media has had an enormous impact on the way in which we connect over the last 20 years. Social networking is the linking of contacts, whether professional or social, using internet based sites. It can vary from sharing a picture of oneās newborn baby on Facebook with family, to making a professional profile on LinkedIn for future employers to see, to even posting a blog for a class like this one. How one portrays their presence online, their digital identity, can benefit or diminish opportunities. As a student/young adult myself, finding the right balance between having a professional digital identity and a personal, social digital identity is very important. The video showed in the article āWhat is a Personal Learning Networkā illustrates how individuals and society are more connected now than ever due to social media (Rajagopal, et. al, 2011) and how we learn, communicate, and share ideas has improved vastly. Overall, networking through social media feeds the ability for us to learn, share, and grow as individuals and as a society.
How are we motivated to participate in networked publics?
In todayās society, social media is such a prominent aspect of our day to day lives. People depend on social media to enable them to engage with others, and share their opinions on important matters in society. What passions we hold and what inspires each and every one of us influences what opinions and information we feel motivated to share online. For example, occurrences today such as Black Lives Matter, womenās and abortion rights, and even anti-vaccine/vaccine passport protests can motivate people to participate in networked publics. People feel so strongly about something, enough to voice those opinions online no matter how controversial, in order to have their opinion heard and magnified. Another example of what may motivate people is their romanticized online presence. People most of the time will only advertise the most attractive parts of their life online, and go out of their way to do so even if it means missing out on in person experiences to focus on posting and captioning the perfect Instagram picture. In summary, networked publics have become an important tool in sharing oneās life and opinion on matters that motivate them.
What are the risks & rewards of public communication?
While there are tons of benefits that social media provides, there are also some negative repercussions that can result. Risks can include the threat of misinformation being spread, and mental health issues social media may generate. For example would be the endless false information floating around the web regarding Covid-19. From speculations about it being a man-made virus by the government intended to control the population, to the inefficacy of masks preventing the spread, to the negative theories about the vaccine leading people to choose against receiving it, these postulations have only negatively impacted how our society chooses to deal with the pandemic. On the other side there are also many advantages that public communications provide to society, like the easy accessibility to information it provides, and awareness of important societal issues. Social media allows anyone with an internet connection to be access to educational resources and important information. For example, through social media last year, the UVic menās soccer team created a fundraiser for a past teammate who got diagnosed with brain cancer. The soccer team raised awareness and money with the fundraiser, greatly supporting the player. Through public communication, the team was able to raise over $80,000 to help support cancer research. Overall, social media is not perfect, but it provides many benefits to our society.
Rajagopal, K., Joosten-ten Brinke, D., Van Bruggen, J., & Sloep, P. B. (2012). Understanding personal learning networks: Their structure, content and the networking skills needed to optimally use them. First Monday, 17(1) doi:10.5210/fm.v17i1.3559. Retrieved from:Ā